Why Male Celebs Cater To Masculine Audience?

PLUS: Getting New Customers using Referrals and Gift Cards


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 74th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Why Male Celebs Cater To Masculine Audience?

  2. A tool to Write with AI seamlessly

  3. One recommended video on Getting New Customers using Referrals and Gift Cards

Why Male Celebs Cater To Masculine Audience?

When Male Celebs get started, they start with Romantic Movies.

But after a while, they transition to Masculine Movies.

Take Matthew McConaughey for example.

When he started, he did Romantic Comedies.

Matthew McConaughey Rom Com Movie - Poster

And then transitioned to Serious Roles.

Matthew McConaughey in a Serious TV Show - Poster

They all do it for a reason.

The truth of the matter is you only become a big superstar when you cater to the male audience.

They are the ones going to the opening shows and spending millions at the box office.

Barbie is an exception, not the rule.

These movie stars know exactly who they should target to reach the masses.

Now think of every celeb who did good movies early in their careers but failed at the box office until they figured out what worked. For example, The Rock in The Rundown (2003) or Pain and Gain (2013).

And then they did action or adventure movies which didn't have a decent storyline but still made millions at box office. For example, The Rock in Jumanji (2017).

The reason is simple. 70% of theatre going audience is Male. That's why the Box Office is filled with Action and Adventure movies.

This is the rule which makes all big movie stars like Tom Cruise and The Rock do action movies.

The point of this post? Know your exact audience by its demographic or psychographic so you can make what they actually want. Learn from the movie stars.

When you target the right people, you don't need 100k people to make $1m per year. You only need 5k people to make $1m per year.

A tool to Write with AI seamlessly

Hoppy Copy is a tool mentioned the most in Hampton's AI Report.

This product is niched down to Email Marketers or Newsletter Writers but it can cover more niches like Facebook Ad Copy, Google Ad Copy, or AIDA Framework.

If you write anything on the internet, do check it out. Its the AI Writing Tool that's trained specifically on Email Marketing Copy.

This video has a few insane tips on getting customers using referrals and gift cards.

My favorite insight from the video was using gift cards with an expiration date to get more customers from the existing lot.

Top Tweets of the day


Google Ads x Bottom Of Funnel SEO combination is something I hadn't thought of.


Google Search is a shrinking market. If you look at the young people, they use Social Search aka TikTok and Instagram for searching things.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in a decade.

Rabbit Holes

  1. All Access PDF by Shaan Puri - Download the PDF mentioned in the link here. This is Startup Gold by My First Million Podcast Co-Host and Multi-Millionaire Shaan Puri. You'll learn a thing or two about writing too.

  2. Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule - Took me way too many years to read this Paul Graham classic. For a Maker, flow state is important. For a Manager, chunking time into unit of blocks is important. Know which one you are and cut everything else ruthlessly.

  3. 15 SEO MYTHS BUSTED BY LEAKED GOOGLE DATA - Never believe what someone says. Believe what they do. That's where their real priorities lie. This is pretty common advice that many people dependent on SEO ignored. They trusted Google for their word and got bitten by it. Master the Google Algorithm Leak if your focus is on SEO.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. Hampton's AI Report (LINK)

  2. Rank on Reddit to Rank on Google (and ChatGPT) (LINK)

  3. First to Channel (LINK)


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