πŸͺ„ Rank on Reddit to Rank on Google (and ChatGPT)

PLUS: Scale your outreach efforts using AI-generated Avatars on LinkedIn


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 49th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Rank on Reddit to Rank on Google (and ChatGPT)

  2. A tool to Scale your outreach efforts using AI-generated Avatars on LinkedIn

  3. One recommended video on Becoming Smart Easily

Rank on Reddit to Rank on Google (and ChatGPT)

Google has started showing results from Reddit in SERPs (Search Engine Results Page.)

Reddit now ranks for more than 25 million queries just in the USA.

The Discussions and Forums Tab used to be a Google Search Tab hidden away but its now included in the middle when you search Google.

And not only that, Reddit has richer results in search, including embedded comments and upvotes in the SERPs itself.

It shows:

  1. Top comments directly in the SERP

  2. The number of upvotes a comment has

  3. The number of sub-comments a parent comment has

And this is only going to increase as time goes by.

Now is the perfect time to capitalize on Reddit to manipulate search results.

This is key for, not only, ranking on Google but also for AIO (AI Optimized SEO.)

LLMs like Open AI's ChatGPT have sweetened the deal with Reddit which means whatever ranks on Reddit will rank on ChatGPT-based search too.

I bet it depends on the number of times a result appears.

For example, if someone asked a question related to growth hacking newsletter like What's the best marketing newsletter in 2024? or What Growth Hacking newsletter do you read nowadays?

And if Startup Spells is answered 1000+ times on Reddit more than any other newsletter, then it might rank in Google and ChatGPT when someone asks a similar question to ChatGPT.

A tool to Scale your outreach efforts using AI-generated Avatars on LinkedIn

Get AI Avatars allows you to scale your outreach efforts on LinkedIn.

Sock Accounts have always existed but they were only used by Social Engineers or sometimes the creators of social sites themselves not to make it look like a dead town.

But now with AI, prospecting has gotten a lot easier and the same goes for creating realistic-looking AI-generated avatars.

If you are doing manual outreaches, its time to scale up 10x by using AI Avatars.

You get more open rate and more leads putting more money in your pocket.

This video blew my mind.

The entire channel is gold. Its called easy, actually with the description explaining stuff with fewer words and more pictures.

The video is titled becoming smart is easy, actually and this particular video covers how you can learn really fast.

The best part of YouTube on a high-quality video is the comment section. Here's a gem I found:

Easy Actually Comment Section

Tweet of the day

Reddit and Quora are making a comeback it seems.

Quora less than Reddit but shouldn't be avoided if you've got the budget for it.

Its low-effort and will get you higher ranking.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Pain is the Point - "Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life." ~ Jerzy Gregorek

  2. This CTA generated more than 130 leads from GitHub - If you market to developers, Github is the way to go. In the next 5 years, more people will consider Github as a marketing channel. AI will make every SaaS to be open-source as it turns out big companies like to buy a SaaS rather than self-host for the 10th of the cost to avoid maintaining and paying a developer more.

  3. The real first-mover advantage - Over time, all marketing strategies result in shitty clickthrough rates. And the same goes for distribution channels. So it is imperative that you be the first to channel before the novelty wears off for your target audience. Otherwise, it feels like running uphill. If you are first to channel, it feels like running downhill which if you aren't a runner is mostly automatic.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells πŸͺ„

  1. The Ultimate Guide To Social Listening (LINK)

  2. Hidden Signals in Job Boards (LINK)

  3. A Database of 486 Million Public LinkedIn Profiles (LINK)


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