πŸͺ„ The Permissionless Apprenticeship

PLUS: 13 Years of Brutal Business Truths


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 36th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. The Permissionless Apprenticeship

  2. A tool to Find leads πŸ’° by monitoring social media

  3. One recommended video on 13 Years of Brutal Business Truths

The Permissionless Apprenticeship

Permissionless Apprenticeship is the mindset of giving free value without an expectation of getting anything in return.

Once you internalize this principle, you will get your dream job, you will get more leads knocking on your door, you will get more engagement on socials, and hopefully you will get more sales for your business.

Don't ask for their permission. Just do the work.


"If you want to catch the attention of someone you admire, give yourself a job working for them."

~ Jack Butcher

If you are a video editor, cut up someone's best talks into shareable clips.

That's exactly what the guy behind JRE Clips did for Joe Rogan before getting hired full-time to make clips.

If you are a designer, illustrate someone's best ideas into cool designs.

That's exactly what Jack Butcher did with @visualizevalue to blow up on Twitter by making Naval's tweets into easy-to-understand diagrams.

Naval retweeted him 100+ times giving exposure to his 500k+ followers at the time. Free exposure to 500k+ audience for 1-2 hours of work.

If you are a marketing guy, make a Reddit post asking if anyone wants an unconventional marketing strategy for free.

That's exactly what I did and got 300+ people to reply on a subreddit.

Just do the work for your dream boss or dream company for free in public with no expectations.

Hat Tip to Jack Butcher for coming up with the term "Permissionless Apprenticeship." He even made a $1 product around it which covers all kinds of use-cases if you are looking for more ideas.

A tool to Find leads πŸ’° by monitoring social media

Notifier monitors social media channels like Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Hacker News so you can promote your product without being online all the time.

It searches for key terms on social media. For example, I can use it for keywords like "marketing newsletter", "growth hacking", etc...

You can use it to protect your brand, monitor customer feedback, get new leads, and more.

Here's a testimonial from a user of the tool:

"I'm still that insane founder who will troll Reddit and look for mentions of 'rental car', 'car rental', our competitors, etc. to pipe in and let people know there's a website out there that digs deeper and finds you a better deal. Notifier has been invaluable in this regard."

~ Jonathan Weinberg, Co-Founder and CEO at AutoSlash

This video breaks down 13 years of business lessons in 1 video.

"If you solve rich people problems, you get to charge rich people prices."

~ Alex Hormozi

Another one:

"Either solve the problems of a few rich people or a lot of poor people."

~ Alex Hormozi

Either be Apple/LVMH or Walmart/Amazon/Netflix.

Tweet of the day

You can make a lot of money if you play the right games.

Miss Excel packaged the product well, got the distribution from TikTok, and made $30 Million teaching basic Excel skills.

It'd be hard for Mr Excel to replicate the same numbers in a similar timeframe even though Mr Excel has been around since 1998.

If you are optimizing for money, play the right games.

Rabbit Holes

  1. The Only Midjourney Tutorial You’ll Ever Need - Covers Midjourney from 0 to 100 with all tutorials in one place.

  2. From a PayPal Intern to Starting 4x Billion-Dollar Companies - Joe Lonsdale - This man understands Incentives well. It even covers how to use AI in boring businesses like Yard Businesses without threatening the incumbents like Uber did with Taxis. He knows how to play the game by delegating stuff so he can sleep better at night.

  3. I Was Wrong About Mentorship... - The point of a good teacher is that the student surpasses the teacher. Influencers like to shit on Gary Vee but they all blew up faster by following Gary Vee's playbook.

Startup of the day

Stylar AI is the Most Controllable AI Image & Design Tool.

This looks like an easier Midjourney.

They have made an incredible tool that looks really easy to use.

It'll be hard for it to compete with Midjourney as Midjourney recently launched its Web App and it is incredibly easy to use.

But this one has a shot at giving it a fair competition.

The website is well-made showing you tons of examples.

It got me to sign up real quick as it does a whole bunch of things like character design, print on demand, game assets, and more in 1 place.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells πŸͺ„

  1. Psychological Biases Mr.Beast uses (LINK)

  2. Breaking into Cell Phones using Social Engineering (LINK)

  3. One recommendation by Buffett and Munger's Mentee (LINK)

Disclosure: Everything said in this post is for educational purposes only. Please follow the law. By reading this post, you accept full responsibility for your actions.


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