🪄 Psychological Biases Mr.Beast uses

PLUS: 650,000 Followers in 2 Months With a New Instagram


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 35th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Psychological Biases Mr.Beast uses

  2. A resource that covers The Psychology Of Design

  3. One recommended video on 650,000 Followers in 2 Months With a New Instagram

Psychological Biases Mr.Beast uses

Mr.Beast uses lots of Psychological Biases to get his audience hooked into watching his videos.

He gets 100 million views on every single one of his videos.

1. The Harder, The Better (Input Bias)

This bias states that the more effort or time we perceive is put into something, the more we value it.

Phil Agnew, the host of the Nudge Podcast, uses himself as an example.

He created 2 ads for his podcast. One ad highlighted the 480 minutes he spent listening to marketing experts. The other ad didn't mention the effort. The ad that mentioned the effort had a 45% higher click-through rate.

Mr. Beast uses this bias by showcasing the effort he puts into his challenges. For instance, he filmed himself reading the world's longest word in a 2-hour video.

2. Money Talks (Costly Signaling)

This principle states that people pay more attention to communication which involves a higher cost.

In the context of YouTube, costly signaling can refer to the time, money, or effort a YouTuber puts into their videos.

Mr. Beast is known for giving away large sums of money.

This is a form of costly signaling. Because giving away money is expensive, viewers perceive Mr. Beast's content as more valuable.

And it doesn't have to be money. When he didn't have money, he used time as a lever.

We often think the more time someone puts into something, the better the output is, even if it isn't true.

3. The Curiosity Cliffhanger (The Curiosity Gap)

People are more likely to keep watching something if it piques their curiosity.

Mr. Beast uses curiosity gap by withholding some information at the beginning of his videos.

For example, in one video, he starts by showing himself tied up with an FBI agent. In the first 5 seconds, he explains that the agent must untie himself, chase Mr. Beast across the country, and beat him to a stadium. This creates suspense and compels viewers to watch the rest of the video to discover what happens next.

Hat tip to Phil Agnew for studying Mr.Beast. Go listen to Nudge Podcast if you don't do it already.

A resource that covers The Psychology Of Design

This resource is a gem if you want to understand psychology so you can influence things in your life.

There are 100s of reasons we do things the way we do and you can use those things to make people act a certain way.

The world's best minds do it to you with the apps you use every day.

Keep this resource bookmarked and go through 10 of them every single day until you know them by heart.

If you wanna learn how to game Instagram algorithm to explode in <100 days, then you gotta watch this video.

Even if you are not on Instagram, you should watch it because all the social media algorithms have things in common.

Once you know how Instagram works, you can try the same principles on Twitter.

Its crazy how volume and consistency are all you need besides high quality content.

Tweet of the day

Elon Musk has some crazy stories we've probably never heard of. I found this gem.

It is impressive how he cross-pollinates teams and let the best minds of his one company collaborate with the best minds of his other companies.

Read the whole thing. Its too good.

Rabbit Holes

  1. How I built my TikTok audience - Great advice on tracking follower growth using data so you can find exactly where you take of, thinking of great hooks, and newsjacking to go viral.

  2. Interviewing the Master of Midjourney Rory Flynn - Midjourney is insanely good if you know how to use it. This interview covers how you can blow up on Socials using it. Best part? It covers Pattern Interrupt.

  3. Optimism Shapes Reality - "Everyone hypothesizes a sub-4 mile is impossible. One man runs sub-4. Subsequently, lots of people start running sub-4." Humans are memetic creatures. Brilliance commands brilliance. That's why books like Atomic Habits and people like Alex Hormozi recommend you to change your environment to be with high IQ people. You become high IQ just by being in the same surroundings as them. Another reason why A players want to work with A players in the team.

Startup of the day

Instantly AI is a cold email software that grows using cold emails.

Ain't that cool?

Dogfooding their own thing.

The co-founder gave away his entire secrets on growth in this video titled "How We Grew Instantly To 100K MRR (Steal Our Strategy)."

And their YouTube strategy right now is wild.

Keep an eye on them and steal their playbook if you can.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. Dead Internet Theory (LINK)

  2. Using Claude to Write 10 Ads in An Hour (LINK)

  3. Underground SEO Hustle (buying backlinks to Reddit posts) (LINK)

Disclosure: Everything said in this post is for educational purposes only. Please follow the law. By reading this post, you accept full responsibility for your actions.


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