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- 🪄 Hijack Attention (using Pattern Interrupt)
🪄 Hijack Attention (using Pattern Interrupt)
PLUS: A Hack To Generate Unlimited Leads
The Spells Master is back!
Welcome to the 14th issue.
Today's topics:
Hijack Attention (using Pattern Interrupt)
A tool to Edit Photos seamlessly
One recommended video on Hack To Generate Unlimited Leads (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)
Hijack Attention (using Pattern Interrupt)
Our brain organizes everything we do daily in terms of patterns.
When we wear our shoes, we usually start by tying the same shoelace without noticing.
When we come home, we remove our shoes in the same place.
When we wake up, we usually follow the same routine every single time.
These are the patterns that we follow daily.
If something breaks the pattern, we call it pattern interrupt.
Imagine you are crossing a signal and all lights have gone red.
While you are in the middle of the road, a car suddenly starts.
You instantly get scared and pay attention.
You just got pattern interrupted of your flow of crossing the road while all lights are red.
Your brain has already recognized a pattern, "if signal turns red, expect all vehicles to stop and cross the road." and stored it in your brain as you've done this thing 1000s of times in your life so much so that you now do it on autopilot.
But when someone breaks that pattern, you pay attention.
This is basically the principle behind pattern interrupt.
You can use Pattern Interrupts for your newsletter, ads, billboards, or even your organic content to grab attention when someone is scrolling through the feed.
The goal is for the reader to say "Wait, What?" so it makes them confused enough to make them do what you want them to do.
Pattern Interrupt in Billboards or Junior Posters
Pay Me To Do Nothing

Pay Me To Do Nothing
Normally, when people ask to pay you, they offer to do something in return. This guy interrupted that expected pattern.
Today's Offer

You'd expect this to read and end in 50% discount or something but that would be expected. It wouldn't cause Pattern Interrupt but this one does.
Wanted Customers

Wanted Customers
Again, asking for customers in a creative way.
But, did you die?

But, did you die?
A Crossfit Gym breaking the pattern.
Why is Dentistry important?

Why is Dentistry important?
This ad clearly uses Pattern Interrupt because you instantly notice his missing teeth which stops you in the tracks.
Oil Change for Tesla's

Oil Change for Tesla's
Remember, Tesla is an Electric Car.
Pattern Interrupt in Titles
Book Title
There's a book in Marathi titled सूर्य पाहिलेला माणूस and it uses Pattern Interrupt.
The title translates to "Man who saw the Sun."
How can someone see the Sun?
The title follows the "Wait, What?" principle which causes confusion and makes people to stop to think.
Chapter Title
The Psychology Of Money has the chapter titled "Tails, You Win."
We often say "Heads, You Win. Tails, You Lose." but here it's the opposite to cause Pattern Interrupt.
Pattern Interrupt in Ads
Magic Spoons Ads
Magic Spoons Ads uses neon colors to cause Pattern Interrupts.

Magic Spoons Ads
Maade Ads
Maade's Ads calls out their target market directly by name making them watch the ad.

Maade Ads
Pattern Interrupt in Videos
Squatty Potty got to 9-figures with its viral YouTube videos using Pattern Interrupts.
The thumbnail is a unicorn pooping on a video.
Liquid Death consistently produces ads that cause Pattern Interrupts.
The thumbnail literally says BETTER THAN BACK SWEAT? featuring a fat man.
The title actually made me watch it and yep, his real sweat is used in the video.
The Hormozis Videos
The Hormozis often use Pattern Interrupt in their thumbnails by plastering big text with stuff like this or just using it in the title.
F*ck your morning routine
F$#@ end of the week
I married for money
I have not made my bed
I watch Netflix
Fuck Happiness

Poo Pourri's thumbnails nail this well.

Poo Pourri's Cows
This image shows "a woman in a vibrant blue dress sitting on a toilet surrounded by cows" which honestly stands out.
It confuses you if you are scrolling through videos and gets your attention.
Poo Pourri has many such videos on YouTube.

Poo Pourri YouTube
Pattern Interrupt to Promote Movies
IT Movie
IT movie used both Pattern Interrupt and Guerilla Marketing to promote itself.
The balloon is attached to the drainage gates which stops people in their tracks to notice why they have done it.

IT Movie Balloon
Shaitaan Movie Pop-out hoarding
Shaitaan used Pop-out hoarding as a Pattern Interrupt.
In short, if you want to hijack attention, use a Pattern Interrupt to “cause confusion” in your audience.
They must say it out-loud "Wait, what?"
Hat tip to Katelyn Bourgoin for covering this in-depth and Christian Martin for covering it in his video. Both are must-watch.
A tool to Edit Photos seamlessly
When you want to edit photos online quickly without downloading an app, use Edit Photo.
The domain is simple to remember. Just type edit.photo in the browser.
I use it sometimes for cropping a photo or redacting it but there are many more features available like zooming in with an easy to use interface.
One recommended video on Hack To Generate Unlimited Leads (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)
This video only has 4,500 views. It should at least have a million views. Seriously, its that good.
Its by Christian Martin who explains Pattern Interrupt as a concept really well.
Do watch it because once you see it, you won't be able to unsee it.
You will start noticing Pattern Interrupt used everywhere.
Tweet of the day
This is how I find content ideas using Tiktok and proactive research:
1. In the search bar I add niche keywords and hashtags
2. Find top posts and check the creator accounts
3. Then I use Tiktok's most popular filter option
4. I save best performing videos
5. Then I publish… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…— Natia Kurdadze (@natiakourdadze)
3:39 PM • Apr 10, 2024
Tiktok has insane short-form videos with high density.
The best way to get all that alpha is to use its search.
Gen Z doesn't use Google to search. They use TikTok to search.
This is a great tweet from Natia Kourdadze. Go follow her and check out her newsletter which has many such tips like this on Growth Hacking.
Rabbit Holes
The Wisdom In "Kung Fu Panda" (2008) - Kung Fu Panda has great one-liners. This blog covers wise things we can learn from movies. Its aptly named "Movie Wise"
Reddit Marketing - Reddit is underrated. You can get 100k+ views with pure quality content. It has no follower requirement so you can start tomorrow and go viral.
6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person - When someone asks "what's the best thing you've ever read on the internet?", this post almost always comes up. Read to know why. Ignore the title.
Until next time,
Your Spells Master!
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