Why Handwritten Signs Outperform Printed A-Frames

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Why Handwritten Signs Outperform Printed A-Frames

A-Frames with printed signs often go unnoticed. People tend to ignore them, even when placed in high-traffic areas.

Printed A-Frame

But there’s a simple solution: switch to a chalkboard or whiteboard version.

Handwritten Sign

Handwritten messages grab attention. When placed strategically—like near a door where people have to walk around it — the message becomes unavoidable.

For example, a sign that says “Half off pre-workout today” or “Sign up for our bootcamp this Saturday” will likely spark curiosity.

The Psychology Behind It

This phenomenon ties into how our brains process information. Printed signs often trigger banner blindness, a psychological effect where people unconsciously ignore content that looks like an ad or feels overly polished.

Handwritten signs, on the other hand, feel personal and authentic. They activate our natural curiosity because they mimic direct human communication. Additionally, the effort behind handwriting signals importance, making people more likely to stop and read.

The difference lies in the personal touch. Handwriting feels direct and human, while printed signs can blend into the background. If the goal is to engage customers, a whiteboard or chalkboard might be the better choice.

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Think of McDonalds. If no customer buys from McDonalds again, McDonalds goes out of business.

Rabbit Holes

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