πŸͺ„ Network = Net Worth

PLUS: Automate any workflow with AI


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 60th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Network = Net Worth

  2. A tool to Automate any workflow with AI

  3. One recommended video on Ranking on Google for $1

Network = Net Worth

The older I get, the more I agree with some classic advice.

"Read more books" is one piece of advice I still ignore, even though I know it's good for me. Another is "Your network is your net worth."

It took me a long time to understand the importance of the second one.

After years of tweeting into the void, I realized that this is true both in the real world and online.

In the real world, if you never leave your house and meet new people, everyone eventually forgets about you. This happens online, too.

Google doesn't automatically know about new websites. That's where social media comes in.

When you're active on social media, people search for your brand on Google which sends positive signals to Google.

It's a mistake to ignore social media.

Google won't notice you if you only post on your blog. No amount of SEO will help unless you get your content indexed.

That's why big companies are on every social platform.

Building a good network and being likable is the best high-ROI thing you can do.

This is true in all industries.

Hollywood has a nepotism problem because people use their parents' networks. Nepotism exists everywhere, though some fields, like medicine, require merit, while you can be an actor without knowing how to act.

Another great example of the power of networking is YCombinator. It's a VC fund that gives startup founders $500k for 7% of their company.

People don't join YCombinator for the money anymore; they can get that elsewhere. But thanks to YC, you can get hundreds of customers on day one because of the large network of YC alumni.

YC also has expert, angel, and customer networks. You can get advice, funding, or customers just by being part of YC.

YC is like the Harvard of startups.

That's why big company CEOs network with politicians around the world. They use these connections to make more money. Look at Elon Musk or Sam Altman's schedules. There's a reason Zuckerberg attended Ambani's function in India. It's all about networking.

Don't forget to build your network. A great network can get you a higher salary, better perks, and greater opportunities.

And remember, this is true in the online and the offline world.

A tool to Automate any workflow with AI

Gumloop might be one of the most impressive products I've seen in a while.

This doesn't even use AI Agents but it is a very useful product. People have built actual businesses on top of it.

If you are a founder, you should use it to see how you can automate parts of your job using AI.

If you are a marketer, you should use it to automate your marketing activities.

It can send personalized LinkedIn Messages, scrape Subreddits for pain points, transcribe YouTube videos into summaries which I did for yesterday's newsletter and many more things.

This video taught me 2 things:

  1. YouTube doesn't like FREE in the title anymore. Novelty wore off I guess.

  2. How to use Google Search Console so you can optimize the terms you are already ranking for.

Tweet of the day

The future of consuming information for busy people looks like this.

You don't need to spend 100s of hours in forums. Just get all the useful info in your industry once a week. Countless use-cases.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Anti-information - This is someone's bookmark that I stumbled upon randomly while Googling something. It has some pretty good insights from various sources.

  2. Tech Independence - Most of marketing is based on fear. Startup founders are fooled that running a server is hard. It is not. This goes for countless other products. Our needs are far and few. It is all marketing. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" slogan has fooled so many people that even my mom tells me to eat breakfast no matter what.

  3. Building AI workflow automation for enterprises - A brilliant interview on what the future of AI looks like from the founder of Gumloop. You can build so many businesses on top of just Gumloop. And it works across industries. Chief Automation Officer will be an essential role in the world of AI.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells πŸͺ„

  1. Whale Baiting (LINK)

  2. The ChatGPT Plugin that went viral worldwide (LINK)

  3. Rank on Reddit to Rank on Google (and ChatGPT) (LINK)


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