How To Blow Up As A Comedian On TikTok

PLUS: You are using OpenAI o1 wrong

How To Blow Up As A Comedian On TikTok

Benedict Polizzi is a comedian who gained fame for his skits on polite catcalling.

He uses the catchy phrase "Damn Gurl" to grab attention in every video, and it has become his signature hook.

Damn Gurl - "Polite Catcalling" Tiktok Skit

This simple concept went viral, leading him to create 74 TikToks based on the same idea.

"Polite Catcalling" Tiktok Playlist

"Polite Catcalling" Full Tiktok Playlist

Polizzi even experimented with variations like "Damn Dude," "Damn Boi," and "Damn Dog," which also became popular.

The key to success is keeping it funny, as seen in one video where he says,

"Damn Dog, you look like you got a heavy stream"

Damn Boi - "Polite Catcalling" Tiktok Skit

The concept's appeal lies in its combination of positive compliments, polite catcalling, and a microphone.

This mix makes the content highly shareable. While it doesn't always succeed, it often goes viral due to its engaging nature.

Damn Gurl - "Polite Catcalling" Tiktok Skit Fail

Creating comedy is challenging because inventing funny jokes is difficult. However, skits and roasts like Polizzi's offer a quick way to make people laugh and gain popularity on TikTok.

This approach represents the new playbook for comedians in the digital age.

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