🪄 Business Model of Subreddits

PLUS: $0 to $20K MRR in 90 days


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 23rd issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Business Model of Subreddits

  2. A tool to Transcribe Audio and Video to Text (Subtitles) for Free

  3. One recommended video on Going From $0 To Millionaire

Business Model of Subreddits

Subreddits are hard to grow but once they are huge, they are a good cash cow.

And you don't have to create a subreddit to be a Moderator of it.

The benefits of Subreddits are huge. You get SEO juice from Google. You get to sell your own stuff. You get to make deals with people in your niche so whenever they post, you let it slide.

Officially, Reddit says the Moderators can't promote or link their own stuff.

But when it comes to the matter of money, Moderators will do whatever benefits them. Its just Human Nature. People work on Incentives.

At the end of the day, there's no incentives for Moderators as Reddit doesn't pay them anything so some of them use Reddit as a cashcow.

And some make a killing through Reddit.

Consider, the subreddit /r/HustlersUniversity.

Subreddit /r/HustlersUniversity

Notice, the links on the sidebar.

It promotes The Real World from The Controversial Figure Andrew Tate.

The Creator and Moderator of this Subreddit isn't related to Tate but he used their popularity to grow this sub.

Official Links of Subreddit /r/HustlersUniversity

The URL for Real World is therealworld.net but if you click on the 2 links (Official Join Link and Learn to earn $ online!), then they both point to accesstherealworld.com/join which then redirects to jointherealworld.com/?a=qcmgwkmk&subid=redditother.

This is a good way not to make outright affiliate links as some people easily spot the ?a= in the URL (or in some cases ?ref= or ?aff=) but if you use a domain redirect, its a bit hard as not everyone checks the URL in the browser.

This one has 12,500 members and is ranked Top 10%. It makes $10,000 per month for the creator.

This is not the only subreddit that promotes affiliate links like that.

Growing a subreddit is hard but if it self-sustains itself through UGC, then you can promote affiliate links that give you money month-over-month.

You only need to promote UGC content 4 times a day which you can schedule once a week.

This is massive for Big Subreddits like /r/Memes.

Suppose you are a Meme-Making SaaS like Kapwing that charges monthly subscription to Meme Creators.

You can ask a Moderator of Top 1% subreddit to promote your Affiliate Link in their Subreddits URL.

Most will turn you down but you only need one. They can even make pinned posts promoting your links.

This happens all the time.

Check out the 1st Pinned Post Overview of what do you learn inside Hustlers University / The Real World? Is it worth it.

Pinned Post #1 on Subreddit /r/HustlersUniversity

It contains an Affiliate Link.

Pinned Post #2 on Subreddit /r/HustlersUniversity

This is useful if you spot the next big tool.

Just create a subreddit and let that tool's popularity grow your subreddit.

Then you can promote affiliate links everywhere to make monthly recurring revenue.

This is one reason why most Redditors want to be a Moderator once they understand the advantage of being a Moderator.

A tool to Transcribe Audio and Video to Text (Subtitles) for Free

Free Subtitles AI is a tool for transcribing audio and video to text with a great free version.

Free Subtitles AI

If you are having difficulty listening to a video, use this tool to get the .srt file.

Leila Hormozi gave a wonderful framework on how to go from $0 to Millionaire in this video.

You will learn how to go from a skilled worker to owning a company so you can use leverage.

It even tells you when you need to start hiring which is where most entrepreneurs lack. Either they do it too early or too late.

This breakdown is as wonderful as it gets.

Tweet of the day

$0 to $20k MRR in 90 days is wonderful.

Indiehacker Twitter doesn't use enough FB Ads while the rest of SMBs use them to stay in business.

Best part? He added $18k MRR in 41 days.

Rabbit Holes

  1. The most upvoted Reddit ad ever - Redditors don't like being sold directly. So you need to use Pattern Interrupts to snap them out of it.

  2. The Law of Shitty Clickthroughs - Novelty is underrated. AI is novel now so use it to your advantage before the CTR for it drops down because over time, all marketing strategies result in shitty clickthrough rates.

  3. How AI Will Shift the Social Media Landscape - Before AI goes mainstream, there is a huge opportunity to use it to get better results. Its still not used effectively. Massive opportunity on using AI to increase your sales.

Startup of the day

The SaaS in the tweet above that went from $0 to $20k MRR in 90 days is AutoShorts AI.

With Faceless YouTube channels booming, this is a great idea that rides the wave.

Faceless Video on Auto Pilot

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. Generate Targeted Leads from Reddit (LINK)

  2. Exposed: Your Favorite Newsletters' Revenue (LINK)

  3. Underground SEO Hustle (buying backlinks to Reddit posts) (LINK)

Disclosure: Everything said in this post is for educational purposes only. Please follow the law. By reading this post, you accept full responsibility for your actions.

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