🪄 $14m In A Week from Live Streaming

PLUS: $50k agency in 2 weeks


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 80th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. $14m In A Week from Live Streaming

  2. A place to Buy and Sell Instagram Accounts

  3. One recommended video on $50k agency in 2 weeks

$14m In A Week from Live Streaming

A Chinese LiveStreamer Zheng Xiangxiang did something wildly impossible by selling $14 Million worth of items in a week.

She did it on Chinese TikTok known as Douyin.

She has over 5 millions followers on TikTok and started streaming in 2017.

But gained traction in November 2023.

She quickly gained popularity from how quickly she showed her items.

For context, Ecommerce Livestreams are a huge market in China. They had TikTok Shops a long time ago. Everything in TikTok comes after its tried and tested in Douyin.

She shows items in 1-second by the next second, her items are off the screen.

So while everyone tells the benefits of the products and what you can do with it, this girl just flicks them off the screen in 1 second.

She doesn't sell expensive products but cheap products which are mainly responsible for impulse purchases.

And since shipping is more expensive than the items itself, many people don't bother returning them.

Within a week, she sold 10 million units and made $13.9 million in earnings.

Douyin was furious with her practices and banned her while adding a new clause in their terms of service not to promote products with little to no information.

She now sells the same way on Kuaishou, which is a Douyin alternative.

When everyone zigs, Xiangxiang zagged.

A place to Buy and Sell Instagram Accounts

Sebuda is a marketplace where people buy and sell Instagram Accounts, YouTube Channels, or TikTok Accounts.

The reason to buy such accounts is to try Mass Cold DM'ing or not start from 0 when using Social as a Strategy.

This video covers how to build $50k agency in 2 weeks.

It breaks all common beliefs that gurus preach like don't steal offers. And gives a good reality-check on working hard. My firm belief is most people don't work hard enough including me. And those who do, win bigly.

Top Tweets of the day


Business is War. This stuff doesn't just happen in James Bond movies. This happens for real.

A man is always at ease around a women. And when someone's guard is down, it is very easy to extract info from them.


Rich people pay better and treat better.

The problem with having poor people as clients is that their 10% of income is on the line whereas for a rich person, its <0.1% of their income.

And if you help rich people, they probably know other rich people through their network who may need your service. It spirals.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Why memes make millions - The most followed TikToker in the world is a comedian. Comedy transcends language barriers. And memes are the shorts of comedy. Once you master the art, you are untouchable on social media. Every single person in the world likes to laugh. And being a meme-creator unlocks a ton of opportunity.

  2. Platform Risk - Platform Risk is a real thing. Always have a Plan B. "I've never beaten a fighter with my A Game. I'm always ready with Plan A to Z." ~ Floyd "Money" Mayweather.

  3. Carrot Problems - Ever heard your mom tell you that carrots are good for your eyes? Yeah, that story is fake. A good lie told over and over again becomes the truth.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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Read all the old case-studies here.

More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. Generational Levers (LINK)

  2. $1.5m Text-To-Music AI SaaS Growth Playbook (LINK)

  3. Stealing from Adjacent Industry (LINK)


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