🪄 Upwork's 'Hey World' Ad Campaign

PLUS: Dub AI Voices for $0.1 per minute


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 138th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Upwork's 'Hey World' Ad Campaign: A Masterclass in B2B Marketing

  2. A tool to Dub AI Voices for $0.1 per minute

  3. One recommended video on Why reading matters

Upwork's 'Hey World' Ad Campaign: A Masterclass in B2B Marketing

Upwork, a freelancer marketplace that connects businesses with freelancers around the globe, launched an effective B2B Ad Campaign known as "Hey World" in 2018.

The campaign aimed to show middle managers that Upwork is more than just an open platform for anyone.

The goal was to show that Upwork is a network of motivated professionals—freelancers and managers—ready to collaborate and get things done.

At its core, the "Hey World" campaign poses direct questions to well-known figures and organizations by connecting their problems to Upwork as a solution.

Elon Musk had recently fired his secretary so the ad said "Hey Elon Musk. Need a personal assistant?"

Upwork 'Hey World' Ad Campaign - Elon Musk

Amazon ships products everywhere across the world so the ad said "Hey Amazon! Need any help selling literally everything in the world?"

Upwork 'Hey World' Ad Campaign - Amazon

Mr.President (referred to Donald Trump) was notorious for tweeting all the time so the ad said "Hey Mr.President! Need a social media strategist?"

Upwork 'Hey World' Ad Campaign - Donald Trump

George R.R. Martin is infamous for not finishing his A Song of Ice and Fire Novel Series. So Upwork made a humorous ad that asks "Hey George R.R. Martin, need a ghostwriter to finish that saga?"

Upwork 'Hey World' Ad Campaign - George RR Martin

Notice, the ads use relevant imagery:

  1. Elon Musk's shows a Tesla and Rockets

  2. Amazon's uses Drones

  3. Mr. President’s shows a Keypad with Birds flying resembling Twitter’s Logo

  4. George RR Martin's uses Dragons

The ads worked for a few simple reasons:

  1. Relevance: The ad tapped into current events and pop culture to ensures that its message resonated with a wide audience. The people and the companies referenced were "of-the-moment" but also had some staying power. This allowed the ads to feel timely while still having ongoing relevance.

  2. Humour: The campaign's lighthearted tone makes it memorable and shareable.

  3. Targeting High-Profile Figures: By referencing high-profile individuals and organizations, Upwork subtly suggests that if these successful entities need freelance help, so might your business.

  4. Problem-Solution Framework: Each ad identified a problem and offered Upwork's freelancers as the solution.

  5. Multi-Platform Reach: The campaign utilized various media channels, including OOH (out-of-home) advertising, animated digital videos, radio, and station takeovers in major cities like New York and San Fransisco.

Upwork 'Hey World' Ad Campaign - Billboard

Upwork 'Hey World' Ad Campaign - Mall

A tool to Dub AI Voices for $0.1 per minute

Dubbie is an open-source AI dubbing studio that costs $0.1 per minute. It is a cheaper alternative to Elevenlabs.

This video gives you the why behind reading and the reason you should read fiction.

Turns out, speaking is a natural ability wired into our brains but reading isn't.

That's why a child can speak when kept around adults talking but they can't read on their own even if they are kept in a library. They must be taught to read.

Speaking started 70,000 years ago. But reading only started about 5,000 years ago.

Speaking activates specific areas in a straightforward path in our brain. Reading activates many different parts of the brain, creating complex networks.

When we read about actions or emotions, our brains activate as if we're experiencing them. For example, Reading about running activates similar brain areas as actually running. This happens for pain, anger, and even complex judgments.

In short, reading fiction is like a workout for your brain.

Top Tweets of the day


Job hoppers hop for a reason.

If your current company doesn't value you for what you are worth, why would you stay in the same place?


Good framework to find opportunities on mobile.

Remember, if there is a demand for an app on mobile, there's demand for it on web as well. You can easily convert a mobile app into a SaaS unless it depends on mobile-specific APIs.


Agora absolutely prints with newsletters.

The new Agora would build its marketing around short-form videos in very specific niches.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Quantity leads to quality (the origin of a parable) - Quantity leads to quality. Our brains are a pattern-matching machine. If you do something enough times, your brain picks up the patterns. And if you improve 1% every time, you get exponential returns.

  2. I tried all the methods for sourcing & hiring creators, so you don’t have to. - Terrific breakdown of how and where to hire influencers so you can create short-form content at scale on a budget.

  3. TikTok for B2B SaaS: Should you or should you not? - TikTok is the best place to be for E-Comm, B2C SaaS, Mobile Apps, One-Time Software and just about everything. And now there are B2B SaaS that are creating viral videos on TikTok.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. Submagic: From $0 to $83k MRR in 90 days (LINK)

  2. Hilarious Instagram Growth Hack (LINK)

  3. Sell Every Email (LINK)


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