🪄 TablePlus's Smart Retort To Pirates

PLUS: Making $150,000 in a week


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 157th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. TablePlus’s Smart Retort To Pirates

  2. A tool to Reverse-Engineer Apps

  3. One recommended video on Making $150,000 in a week

TablePlus’s Smart Retort To Pirates

TablePlus is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for visualizing relational databases.

It is a client-side desktop app. And all desktop apps are susceptible to piracy.

To counteract the piracy of their apps, they target the keyword "tableplus crack" which ranks their blog post as #1 in Google Search.

TablePlus Crack

The blog is a fear-inducing one for people who want to use the cracked version of their app.

TablePlus Crack Blog

The blog post serves two purposes:

  • It warns users about the risks of using cracked software for databases.

  • It encourages pirates to either purchase the app or use the free version.

For developers of client-side desktop apps, Android apps, or iOS apps, creating a similar page could be an effective strategy to combat piracy.

A tool to Reverse-Engineer Apps

Appmagic Rocks is a powerful tool for reverse-engineering apps.

It even discovers successful ad strategies used by your competitors so you can replicate the same.

This video shows how a viral AI website made $150k in 1 week of time.

Right now, AI Waves are like Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. For context, Tsunami occurred 78% times in Pacific Ocean.

AI Waves are coming every 6 months from mid-2020. Smartest entrepreneurs have made their lifetime earnings around 2020-2021. Smart ones made it during 2022-2023. Slow ones will make it in 2024-2025. Probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Top Tweets of the day


B2B > B2C


Fantastic observation!


You can have an expert teacher who you can ask 100s of questions for $20 per month at any given time.

In 100 years, the tech will be so far ahead that the next-generation would look at us like we look at the kings of previous generation who had no access to healthcare or tech.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Launching 12 Startups in 12 Months - An oldie but a goldie. Read it if you haven't yet.

  2. Everything is Hard - Everything is hard when you give your 100% to it. Sure, landing rockets on Mars is harder than building a SaaS but more often than not, all startups are on the same wavelength of hard.

  3. Hard Startups - Sam Altman makes a case for hard startups. One line stands out, "Few recruiting messages are as powerful (when true) as 'the world needs this, it won't happen any time soon if we don't do it, and we are much less likely to succeed if you don't join.'" Hard startups make recruiting easy.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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Read all the old case studies here.

More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. Low Hanging Fruits: Startup Ideas (LINK)

  2. GoDaddy's Super Bowl Spa Ad (LINK)

  3. From Zero to $10k MRR: A Proven Micro-SaaS Idea Framework (LINK)


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