🪄 Bumble's Psychological Play

PLUS: Hacking Visual Content Creation with Midjourney


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 29th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Bumble's Psychological Play

  2. A tool to submit your website to 70 high traffic directories

  3. One recommended video on Hacking Visual Content Creation with Midjourney

Bumble's Psychological Play

In its early days, Bumble employed unorthodox marketing tactics to gain market share.

They created signs that read: "No Facebook, No Instagram, No Snapchat, No Bumble."

This was during the first year after Bumble's launch. They strategically placed these signs all over university campuses.

This led to a peculiar association for students - they felt like they couldn't use the social media apps they were accustomed to. They wanted to casually browse Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook during class.

These signs weren't just eye-catching; they created confusion among students.

Why was Bumble mentioned alongside the big social media names? What the hell is Bumble?

They were essentially seeding psychological curiosity.

But Bumble didn't stop there. They went a step further by sending young women wearing bumble shirts into classes 10 or 15 minutes late, interrupting a class of 300 people and saying, "oh, sorry, wrong room."

But everyone's looking at this young woman wearing a bumble t-shirt. It was an ingenious way to seed curiosity.

By strategically placing their brand in unexpected places and situations, they managed to get people talking and wondering.

It's a reminder that sometimes, the most effective marketing is all about sparking curiosity and intrigue.

After all, marketing is weaponized psychology.

A tool to submit your website to 70 high traffic directories

You don't need to submit your websites to high traffic directories.

You can pay Submit Bro to do that for you.

Directories are the easiest way to get backlinks and increase your domain rating.

This video is a must-watch if you want to harness the power of AI and Images.

Images are needed from book covers to thumbnails. Even ads or product photography needs images. This video covers it all.

Exceptionally unique video on how to use Midjourney to get quality output.

The teacher has proof of work aka his images stand out visually.

Tweet of the day

If you stay in the Entrepreneurship scene for 5+ years, you will see most people fade away. Not everyone can handle the pressure.

An entrepreneur must face failure after failure without losing enthusiasm before getting the first win.

Rabbit Holes

  1. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Summary of Scott Adams' book by the same name. The book is wonderful with many insights. Scott Adams knows how to play the right game despite given a bad hand at life.

  2. How to Train Your Brain to Think in New Ways - If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Learn to think for yourself.

  3. Product To Distribution - When you are small, focus on product. When you are big, focus on distribution. Google and Facebook know this. Their biggest money-makers are mostly acquisitions.

Startup of the day

Ultraswap AI is an AI faceswap tool to create AI influencers & creators.

Such a brilliant idea to build a tool that's very early in the deepfake market.

Creators will be using AI faceswap tool to grow their Instagram accounts. They don't even need to create their own video. Just search for 1000s of videos on the internet and change the face.

In the future, you might be able to change clothes as well to make it more unique.

This tool has massive potential.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. ImagenMIA: Photo AI for Spanish Market (LINK)

  2. TikTok's Viral Secrets (LINK)

  3. Affiliates exploded this AI Startup to $100k mrr in 223 days! (LINK)

Disclosure: Everything said in this post is for educational purposes only. Please follow the law. By reading this post, you accept full responsibility for your actions.

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