🪄 Bot Marketing

PLUS: ELI5 Breakdown of Google Algorithm Leak


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 70th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Bot Marketing

  2. A tool to Rank On Google For Your Most Profitable Term

  3. One recommended video on How Google Really Works (ELI5 Breakdown of Google Algorithm Leak)

Bot Marketing

Bots are a terrific way to automate a manual task.

You can write a bot that requires <100 lines of code and sell it for $1000. Or sometimes automate yourself out of a job.

Ritesh Verma did the same to promote his bot marketing skills to get clients and customers.

1. Indirect Marketing

He created Youtube Videos showcasing bot creation.

This was not a DIRECT promotion in any way but an INDIRECT way to promote his skills.

If someone wanted a bot for themselves, they would contact him via his email which is mentioned in the description of the video.

Proof of work is often the best way to get hired. Everytime I go viral on Reddit, I get DMs from people who want to do the same.

2. Sneaky Marketing

If anyone wanted to contact him via email, they would make a YouTube comment asking for his email address.

He wouldn’t give them his email. Instead, he would redirect them to the YouTube video's description.

This way the people looking for email might check out some of his other links as well.

People are addicted to triggers. Even if you have given up on alcohol for 10+ years and someone did something that gave you the trigger, you will usually find yourself drinking again. Dopamine Nation and The Art Of Learning are 2 great books that cover this. You can create new triggers for yourself and others for anything.

Triggers are hard to break. For years, my trigger used to be sprinting on Rocky Music. So every time I listen to Rocky Music now, I find myself wanting to run even if I am on my bed.

This is why when you find someone new online, you probably check them out on your favorite social media platform. Some prefer Instagram while some prefer X. Triggers are different for everyone but they are hard to resist.

3. Short-Form Marketing

Anytime he made a bot for a client, he'd create a short-form video and post it everywhere so if anyone wanted a similar bot, they could contact him.

The piece of code remained the same but he could still sell it to other clients for a similar or better price as he didn’t have any reseller agreements.

For a few bots, this trick helped him scale from $2k MRR to $7k MRR.

4. Mentorship

When he posted short-form content talking about Computer Science (CS), he started cultivating a CS audience.

The tech market is down right now and countless people are unemployed so he positioned himself as a mentor who could get people to use their coding skills to make money without a corporate job.

5. Every Video is a Promotion

Whenever he would make a YouTube Video for the mass market CS Audience by including "Software Engineer" in the title, he would make a segment about "Making Money with Side Hustle" where the Side Hustle would be Bot Creation.

Selling in every video is how you get more customers.

After all, many people do not know how to create bots so they would ask him to mentor them and sign up for his Become a Bot Developer mentorship of $3000.

Hat Tip to Ritesh for sharing his story. You can watch his Bot Videos here.

If you have an interesting marketing story, hit reply and you might get featured in the next issue.

A tool to Rank On Google For Your Most Profitable Term

On Page AI helps you rank on Google for the most profitable terms.

They do it by following the Google Algorithm Leaks closely and then implementing the results in their tool.

This video covers the entirety of the Google Algorithm Leak.

If you learn everything in this video, you will know how to rank on Google.

SEO just became too damn easy. The creator of this video created the On Page AI tool mentioned above that follows Google Algorithm Leaks.

Tweet of the day

If you don't have a skill issue, this is the best way to game the system to your advantage.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Google Leak Reveals "How Google REALLY Works" - Best thing I've found on the internet today. You can read it, watch it, or download it as a PDF. The Google Algorithm Leak explained in the simplest terms.

  2. Click fraud rates by ad network for 2024 so far - TIL TikTok has higher ad fraud rate than X.

  3. Making of Scrap.so - Behind the scenes of a product. This is the future of AI Agents. Fully automated assistants that work 24x7 for you.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. 10,000 followers with 1 post (LINK)

  2. Hilarious Instagram Growth Hack (LINK)

  3. Dumb Marketing (LINK)


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