🪄 Newsletter Hack To Get More Replies

PLUS: How SEMRush Generates 1.4 Million Visits Per Month Using SEO


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 140th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Newsletter Hack To Get More Replies

  2. A service to Boost Your SEO and Rank Higher

  3. One recommended video on How SEMRush Generates 1,400,000/mo SEO Visits

Newsletter Hack To Get More Replies

Edward Sturm always ends his newsletter with a clickable image.

Edward Sturm's Newsletter Hack To Get More Replies

You get 3 options where each one is linked to a pre-formatted email, making it incredibly easy for readers to provide feedback:

  1. Meh - Not Great - Links to mailto:[email protected]?subject=YouTube+Shorts&body=Could%27ve%20been%20better

  2. Pretty Good - Links to mailto:[email protected]?subject=YouTube+Shorts&body=Pretty%20good

  3. Amazing - Loved It - Links to mailto:[email protected]?subject=YouTube+Shorts&body=That%20was%20amazing

Here's how it works:

  1. When a reader clicks an option, it opens a new email draft.

  2. Email is pre-addressed to Edward's email address.

  3. Subject line is pre-filled (e.g., "YouTube Shorts").

  4. Body contains a short, pre-written response corresponding to the chosen option.

For example, clicking "Amazing - Loved It" would open an email with the body text "That was amazing".

Edward Sturm's Newsletter Amazing - Loved It

This method works for 4 reasons:

  1. Low Friction: Readers can provide feedback with just two clicks - one on the image, one to send the email.

  2. Personalized Feel: Even though the responses are pre-formatted, they feel more personal than a poll.

  3. Opens Communication: It encourages a two-way conversation between the newsletter creator and the reader.

  4. Improves Deliverability: Regular replies from readers can help keep your newsletter out of spam or promotion folders.

Meanwhile, most newsletters like Milk Road use polls as does anyone who uses Beehiiv as their newsletter platform of choice.

While polls are quick and easy, they have limitations:

  1. Polls don't encourage direct communication.

  2. They don't help with email deliverability as much as actual replies do.

  3. Responses are limited to the options provided.

Milk Road Polls - Sneaked Vitalik in there because why not?

Replies are essential to have a 2-way conversation so you can stay out of Spam or Promotions Tab.

A service to Boost Your SEO and Rank Higher

SeoAudit is a service by an SEO Expert to help your website rank higher so you can earn more.

There's a significant difference between simply writing blog posts and creating SEO-optimized content with conversion in mind. SEO Experts help you with latter.

Some websites with 1000+ standard blog posts only generate around $10,000 per month. In contrast, sites with just 100 SEO-optimized articles can earn up to $1 million per year.

This video covers SEMRush, a leading SEO tool provider, which generates an impressive 1.4 million monthly visits through its SEO efforts.

One of their key strategies is the Noun-based Keyword approach:

  1. Target Audience-Related Nouns: Focus on terms directly related to your audience's interests. For example, if your target audience is marketing agencies, you might use agency names or business names in the marketing vertical.

  2. "Noun Plus Traffic" Technique: Combine relevant nouns with the word "traffic" to create targeted keywords. Examples include "realestate.com Website Traffic" and "amazon.com Website Traffic" (The exact domain may change based on user location, e.g., realestate.com.au for Australian users or if you set your VPN to use Australia as your location.) Further, you can leverage local terms like zip codes and local business names into your content strategy.

  3. Focus on Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize keywords that may have low search volume but high potential for reaching a qualified audience. These terms often face less competition and can lead to more valuable traffic if you target qualified audience.

Top Tweets of the day


TIL 2 interesting insights:

  1. Duolingo, a language learning app, makes $800,000 annually from Duo's Taqueria, a taco restaurant.

  2. SEC EDGAR is a free, public database of filings from public companies. You can use it to reverse-engineer business models of publicly traded companies and use the data to spot industry trends.


Clay replaces the use of multiple different tools in a single workflow. This business saves a lot of time so people don't mind paying a lot of money for it.


3 weeks to build a full-blown video editor.

Cursor + Claude = 100x developers

Rabbit Holes

  1. Programmatic SEO Guide by UntalkedSEO - A mini-book on Programmatic SEO.

  2. boring site... 31k monthly visitors and $940 MRR in 4 months - In 2.5 months, they got a directory site to 40 Domain Rating and $940 MRR in just 4 months with AI-assisted SEO at $0.07 per blog.

  3. How to choose the right & cost-effective Clay.com plan - Clay quickly gets expensive unless you use it the right way. Clay's success is evident from its Wall of Love, where users report massive improvements in productivity - some have gone from manually personalizing outreach to 30 companies per day to reaching 10,000 companies daily using Clay's automation features.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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Read all the old case studies here.

More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. The Bullseye Framework (LINK)

  2. Weird TLDs as Marketing Strategy (LINK)

  3. Keysearch's Guerilla Meme Marketing (LINK)


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