🪄 Bonjoro's $28k MRR Growth Secret: Podcast Marketing

PLUS: Get Notified when Nancy Pelosi and other Congress Members trade


The Spells Master is back!

Welcome to the 110th issue.

Today's topics:

  1. Bonjoro's $28k MRR Growth Secret: Podcast Marketing

  2. A tool to Get Notified when Nancy Pelosi and other Congress Members trade

  3. One recommended video on Alen Sultanic's Deepest Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed

Bonjoro's $28k MRR Growth Secret: Podcast Marketing

In 2020, Casey Hill booked the Bonjoro CEO, CMO, and himself on 200 different podcasts. These podcasts dating back to 2018 keep generating dozens of paid customers month after month.

These podcasts got them over 40,000 users for Bonjoro. In November 2020 alone, he booked over 43 podcasts, many of them in the top 5% of all podcasts in the world.

Bonjoro Growth Top Podcasts

The podcasts alone have gotten him over $28,000 in monthly recurring revenue (MRR) or $336,000 in ARR directly from podcasts. This is the direct attribution that they ask on their onboarding form ("Where did you find us?") to customers who sign up but the actual boost is probably higher.

In 2022, their 3rd largest attribution source is still podcasts, despite the fact that they haven't pushed this growth lever in over 12 months.

The long-tail effect of the podcasts is insane.

Casey himself did the bookings part-time in just a few hours per week. Most podcast booking agencies charge around $250-$500/podcast and only book up to 3-4 podcasts a month.

And they don't even get you on podcasts ranked in the top 5% of podcasts. So instead of spending $100,000 to go over 200 podcasts, they used a simple tool to get a huge ROI.

1. Find The Emails Of The Host Of The Podcasts

They tried LinkedIn before but found it inefficient and found email to be a better channel.

To find email, they used ListenNotes to find podcasters’ email addresses.

It is free to sign up to Listen Notes. But if you want to export data, you must pay according to the dataset.

In order to pay, what you need to do is to pay a membership fee. There is a 2-day membership for about $10 a day.

If you become a member for just 2 days, you can export the dataset you need.

They upsell you if you need additional contact info such as email, Twitter, Facebook, and Spotify.

All in all, you get a pretty sweet deal for little effort.

Since you only need the data in your niche, you can use the service in bursts.

They spent around $140 to get on 200 podcasts.

2. Focus on Quality over Quantity

There are lots of terrible podcasts. So instead of pitching everyone, he focused only the ones with quality.

And he scaled down from 40-50 pitches per day to 2-3 per day and got 50% better response rates with low value.

In the podcast game, the big podcasts have 10x better reach than the smaller ones.

3. Pitch from a Company Domain

They recommend pitching from a company domain rather than Gmail.

It has better response rates.

Also, use higher-ups titles to get more CTRs. "Anna Lucia - Company CEO" hits better than "Ellie Brooke - Sales Intern".

4. Be Patient with Results

They didn't see results in their Analytics from the first 20-30 podcasts.

But when they started reaching saturation point in their target audience (B2B SaaS, eCommerce and Creators), that's when people started to reach out.

Their sales team realized that 2/3rd of the people who heard about them from podcasts had heard about them on multiple podcasts. This is Top Of Funnel Awareness Stage in Marketing.

5. Promote The Podcast with Host

Podcast Guests rarely do this but it has insane ROI.

Cody Schneider went on Greg Isenberg's Startup Ideas Podcast on YouTube and used ads to promote the podcast to get more people to watch his videos.

This allows them to do CTR Manipulation which catapults the organic algorithm on YouTube and gets pushed to more people organically if the retention is good.

The result is Cody Schneider is in 3 positions in the Top 4 Popular Videos on YouTube.

Greg Isenberg x Cody Schneider Startup Ideas Podcast

So he gets view for months and years to come until someone surpasses it. I always prefer watching a YouTube Channel's Most Popular Videos to see if its any good.

Casey Hill did the same trick of promoting podcast guests own episodes.

Host Thanking Bonjoro’s Team for Cross Promotion on Podcast Episode

Hat Tip to Casey Hill for sharing his story on LinkedIn and Reddit over the years.

A tool to Get Notified when Nancy Pelosi and other Congress Members trade

Pelosi Trade notifies you when Nancy Pelosi and other Congress Members trade.

The trades are only public after 30 days but there is still an ample amount of time to make money.

This is as good as algorithmic trading can get. There are people out there who follow Crypto Whales Trading Account & make 3-4x ROI in days on their initial investment.

Good way to generate passive income.

This video covers one of the most forward-thinking progressive marketers in the world. You don't want to miss this one.

Top Tweets of the day


"Give away the secrets. Sell the implementation."

~ Alex Hormozi


One of the biggest investors in the world makes most of his money from just 5 stocks.

Diversification is important so long as you don't break your lifestyle if you face a black swan event like COVID-19 killing lots of gym and travel businesses. But it is a bad move when you haven't made it big.

Notice the entrepreneurs preaching multiple bets often make most of their money from only 1 idea.

Rabbit Holes

  1. Invisible persuasion tricks - "A copywriter's best tricks are all invisible. You don't see how he's manipulating you."

  2. Developer marketing examples - The best dev tool marketing campaigns, designs, and copy in one place. Plenty of marketing ideas you can use in other applications.

  3. B2B Influencer rates - Great piece on using B2B Influencer marketing. Apparently, there are tons of articles on B2C but not many on B2B.

Until next time,

Your Spells Master!

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More Startup Spells 🪄

  1. IPInfo's Forum-Based Marketing Strategy using StackOverflow (LINK)

  2. Volume x Time = Quality (LINK)

  3. Amazon's Secret For Customer Loyalty (LINK)


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