One Avatar, One Product, One Channel

PLUS: A Marketing Masterclass on products you use daily

Hey there,

The Startup Maester is back!

Welcome to the 2nd issue. Buckle up for a fun ride through the world of entrepreneurship and marketing.

Today's topics:

  1. One Offer, One Avatar, One Channel

  2. How Influencers Get Stuff Done Without Going Crazy

  3. A site that lets you find paywalled content that was previously free

  4. One recommended lecture on Marketing Masterclass covering products we use daily

One Offer, One Avatar, One Channel

Your favorite gurus online often tell you to focus on multiple products.

They are often worried about a Black Swan event.

The term "black swan" is hugely popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his books in the Incerto series. A black swan event is an outlier event with far-reaching consequences, like the 9/11 terrorist attacks or the COVID-19 pandemic.

The term "black swan" is hugely popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his books in the Incerto series.

A black swan event is an outlier event with far-reaching consequences, like the 9/11 terrorist attacks or the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the worry is quite misplaced when you are trying to start a business.

Yes, you can't know for sure what will happen. For example, if you are in the travel industry in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic when you lose your entire business because people are locked down in their homes and can't travel.

But it is so rare that you don't need to worry about it.

If its gonna happen to you, its gonna happen to you anyways no matter what you do.

We are good at predicting the future, except for the surprises - which tend to be all that matter. Risk is what you don't see coming.

Morgan Housel in his book “Same as Ever”

Focus is how you get rich. Diversification is how you stay rich.

Alex Hormozi has a great saying that goes like this:

One Offer. One Avatar. One Channel.

That's all it takes to reach $1m.

You don't need 10 different products.

You don't need multiple bets no matter what the online gurus say.

Focus 100% of your energy on 1 thing instead of 10 different things.

How do you expect to beat your competitor who is 100% focused on his product while you are juggling 10 different products at the same time?

He who chases two rabbits catches neither.


At the end of the day, startups are gruesome. Energy conservation is an important skill to learn as an entrepreneur.

Startups don't die when they run out of cash, they die when the founders run out of energy.


You can't have energy if all your products are failing.

Beware of the Shiny Object Syndrome or as Alex Hormozi likes to call it the woman in the red dress.

Similarly, focus on One Avatar.

Just nail down your target audience to one avatar.

Are you helping Software Engineers or going after Designers? Just choose one.

Russell Brunson has a great concept of Dream 100 in his Traffic Secrets book.

You can use Dream 100 list to nail down your Top Avatar and just focus on reaching them.

Finally, focus on One Channel while you are just starting.

The Hubspot CMO dropped a fire quote:

This meme is right-on!

Credits to George Mack for the meme in The Marketing Plug

Influencers smart content creation hack

Influencers don't create content everyday. That'd be a massive of time.

They create it once a week and schedule it. 4 posts per day scheduled across 7 days. Sometimes, they make a month long content in a day's time. Totally doable if you only post short-form 30 seconds videos.

Some influencers are prolific so they create tons of content. Working hard is hard at first but once you get used to it, it becomes easy. Starting is often the hardest part.

Bonus points with Alex is he doesn't have to do video editing so he can just sit and talk while his video editor does the rest.

Gary Vee popularized the term "document over create" which is an incredible hack because then you are just writing about stuff you've done rather than finding stuff others have done.

If someone is actually prolific, they can really create 50 pieces of content in a week to schedule it.

Nathan Latka does something like that. He has content scheduled 2 years into the future.

This newsletter takes me 1 hour to write, edit, and schedule. Currently, its a bit long but once I get the hang of it, I want to be able to write it in 30 minutes.

Hopefully, I can schedule content for the week as the topics are timeless. This won't work if I was covering daily AI news.

2 new optimizations can be done to create fast due to recent innovation in AI:

  1. Use AI to rewrite or edit the newsletter

  2. Use Voice to write the first draft as AI can now transcribe better

A site that lets you find paywalled content that was previously free

Content creators often write content to get backlinks to their Substack blog or Beehiiv blog and hide them behind a paywall to make money.

Sometimes people on the internet archive their webpages into the website.

This is one of the first websites I often visit to find content that is removed from the internet or if a website is down for a while. It usually does the trick.

This hour-long video covers everything from how they got us using toothpaste to breakfast daily.

And hey, it even spills the beans on how they tricked women into smoking.

It covers many principles of Human Psychology so you can actually use it in your marketing.

If you enjoyed today's issue, please do reply (it helps with deliverability)

Until next time,

Your Spells Maester!

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